👋 Hello, I'm...

Théo Matussière

I'm a software engineer working from Paris. Things I've done:

About talkiewalkie.app

Work on talkiewalkie.app started by early summer 2021, with a vision that was very close to detour.
The core idea being that voice messaging usage is huge and hardly adressed. We would provide transcripts of message and enhance those with emojis, play with the text to render speech speed and tone visually, etc.
While the idea tested well, the team decided to split after a few months due to diverging interests.

About swype.so

Work on Swype started in early 2022 but was done around a different narrative. After working the summer as a freelancer I decided to revive the core technology around a simpler premise.
Swype is a side-project that I'm running as a solo-founder - with help from a generous product designer friend.

About ecair.eco

I've had the rare chance to align my values and my work and I joined Victor Jolly and Maxime Bensadoun to work on Ecair.eco in July of 2023.
We're building the consumer company for the ecological transition of residential units in France, taking the full vertical: we're hiring construction workers and providing them with processes and tools (where I come in!) to help them deliver.

I'm hiring two persons to help me build this vision! Check out our jobs page

You can find me on the internet at: